Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tree Paintings

Painting is the practice of applying Paint,pigment,colour or other medium to a surface.
I am trying to give a few works of mine on paintings.

Painting is a mode of expression and the forms are numerous.  
They can be naturalistic and representational
(as in a Still life or Landscape,invloving
Abstract,Photographic and can  be loaded with narrative content, emotions.

Paintings may have for their support such surfaces as walls,paper,canvas,wood,glass,lacquer,clay or Concrete..In fact,any surface can be tried to utilized as a base for paintings, and you can explore it with your creativity.

With these paintings full of different colours, I Wish All of your life be always filled with many many beautiful colours.

 Heres a small message for you,my nice cool frndz..Hope you njoyy reading these beautiful lines:


Leave worries aside and you will be
surprised by the beauty of the sky
and the colour of flowers,
of the freshness of the breeze and
the generosity of the sun.

You will feel you are part of creation,
and life will start to make sense.

I Completed the above painting with Cake Colors in 10 Minutes..actually it was somewhere about 8.7 however took the remaining time for final touch-up..

Although waters falls from a hill,
it never thinks it has fallen,
it rises to run as an unstoppable river.
Life is not about falling but rising at every fall.

To the question of your life, you are the answer;
         To the problem of your life, you are the only solution.
              Have a wonderful day and spread colours :)

1 comment :

  1. You will feel you are part of creation,
    and life will start to make sense...

    Its a very beautiful quote for the great paintings with tree theme..
